Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What Keeps Doors open

"Personality can open doors, but only Character can keep them open." - Elmer G. Letterman

Elmer G. Letterman, according to Dale Carnegie, was the "greatest insurance salesman in the US". Dale Carnegie used him as an example in his talks/seminars, because Letterman had the knack to "win friends and influence people". Letterman knew how to turn every encounter as an opportunity to serve, and to sell. Letterman wrote books such as, The New Art of Selling, The Sale Begins When the Customer Says No, and How Salesmanship Sells.

He definitely had a charismatic personality to open doors, and he was well aware that his extraordinary service-orientation got him the sale, but what engendered true customer satisfaction and loyalty was his honesty and integrity.

Character (Compassion, Consideration) keeps the door open for everything in life, and more so in healthcare.


Dare: Do some good deed today for someone, without expecting something in return.

Deepen: How can I make this encounter an opportunity to serve?

Discover: the concept of Servant-Leadership; The lost art of looking at subordinates/coworkers as internal customers. Am I bludgeoning them with policy and procedures that are not aligned with their interests nor with the mission of the organization?

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